Getting Started


Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

Virginia’s Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) funding fosters economic development and improves the quality of life for our Appalachian citizens.

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Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

DHCD offers planning grants through the CDBG program to increase the potential for project success and impact. These grants aid in developing clearly articulated strategies for addressing a locality’s greatest community development needs following meaningful citizen participation.

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Small-Scale Real Estate Development

Small-scale real estate developers can help advance community goals—one building at a time. Derelict commercial structures, vacant lots and existing stock of smaller structures offer opportunity for new businesses and quality housing.

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Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI)

The Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) extends broadband service to currently unserved areas. VATI prepares communities to build, utilize, and capitalize on telecommunications infrastructure with the goal of creating strong, competitive communities.

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Virginia Main Street (VMS)

Virginia Main Street is a Main Street America State Coordinating Program that offers a range of services and assistance to communities interested in revitalizing their historic commercial districts. While the program was designed to address the need for revitalization and on-going management of smaller to mid-sized downtowns, aspects of the Main Street Approach may be applied successfully in… Click Here


Virginia Small Business Resiliency Fund (VSBRF)

The Virginia Small Business Resiliency Fund (VSBRF) was created to provide fundingto existing Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and emerging CDFIs.VSBRF seeks to build capacity in these organizations to create programs and products thatincrease access to capital and technical assistance forunderserved COVID-19 impacted businesses in the Commonwealth.

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