Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)


Tamarah Holmes
(804) 371-7056

Virginia’s Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) funding fosters economic development and improves the quality of life for our Appalachian citizens. ARC provides assistance in the long-term development of a chronically depressed multi-state region, which includes 25 counties and eight independent cities in Virginia. ARC invests in water and sewer service to communities, workforce training for skilled trades and professionals, regional economic restructuring efforts, and heritage and cultural tourism. Other funds seek to build a strong and sustainable asset-based economy, bringing jobs and prosperity to Appalachian communities while preserving their character. Projects that leverage Virginia’s rich cultural, natural, community, structural, business and economic assets are eligible for funding. Additionally, energy efficiency improvements are fundable as a part of an eligible project. The Virginia ARC program may also be available to help with the development of an access road to support the location or expansion of an industry.


The Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative is a congressionally funded initiative that targets federal resources to help communities and regions that have been affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations and coal-related supply chain industries due to the changing economics of America's energy production.

POWER supports efforts to create a more vibrant economic future for coal-impacted communities by cultivating economic diversity, enhancing job training and re-employment opportunities, creating jobs in existing or new industries, and attracting new sources of investment.

POWER Federal Fiscal Year (2021) Request for Proposals

For more information on Access to Capital,  Broadband, Planning projects, pleas see Appendices A to C.


DHCD offers planning grants through the ARC program to increase the potential for project success and impact. Contact Tamarah Holmes to discuss applying for a planning grant or to have an initial conversation as you get started developing your project.

Applications are open for the 2021 ARC Oak Ridge Summer Program

Virginia's Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) will be offering scholarships to two high school students, two middle school students and two high school math, science or technology teachers to attend a residential hands-on learning institute focusing on math, science, and technology. 

ARC is collaborating with the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to provide a two-week learning institute focusing on math, science and technology for high school students and teachers from July 19-July 2, 2021. A one-week hands-on science academy focusing on math, science and technology for middle school students will be held on June 26-July 2, 2021. If COVID restrictions allow, the program will be held in-person in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The scholarship includes all major expenses. Teacher participants will also receive a stipend.

Applications must be submitted online by Friday, April 2, 2021. To access the application, click here

For more information, contact Virginia ARC Program Manager  Tamarah Holmes, Ph.D. at or (804) 371-7056.

 Additional information can be found at